اختبار المهارات اكسل في اللينكدان
Microsoft Excel هو أحد التطبيقات القوية والشائعة في مجال إدارة البيانات وتحليلها. يعتبر Excel أداة أساسية للمحترفين والمتخصصين في الأعمال والمالية والإدارة وغيرها من المجالات .
اجتياز اختبار المهارات في Microsoft Excel على LinkedIn يعني أنك تمتلك مجموعة من المهارات والمعرفة في استخدام هذا البرنامج بطريقة فعالة وفعالة. يتطلب الاختبار فهمًا عميقًا للوظائف والأدوات المتاحة في Excel وقدرتك على تنفيذ مهام متقدمة مثل الحسابات المعقدة وتنسيق البيانات وإنشاء الرسوم البيانية وإدارة الجداول والتصفية والفرز والمزيد ،ويمكنك دراسة كل ما يتعلق بالإكسل من خلال موقعنا حيث قمنا بشرح كافة التفاصيل عن الإكسل في مقال خاص اسمه كورس اكسل شامل -Excel
باجتياز هذا الاختبار، ستكون قادرًا على استخدام Excel بثقة وفاعلية في بيئة العمل الخاصة بك. ستكون قادرًا على تنظيم البيانات بشكل منظم وإجراء التحليلات الضرورية واستخراج النتائج الهامة التي يمكن أن تؤثر في اتخاذ القرارات الأعمال. ستتمكن من إنشاء تقارير مهمة وملفات جداول بيانات متقدمة ومشاركتها مع الآخرين بسهولة .
باختصار، فإن اجتياز اختبار المهارات في Microsoft Excel على LinkedIn يعزز مصداقيتك كمحترف ويفتح الأبواب لفرص جديدة في مجال العمل. استثمر وقتك ومجهودك في تعلم وتحسين مهاراتك في Excel لتحقيق نجاح مهني أكبر .
أسئلة وأجوبة اكسل في اللينكدان
باستكمال هذا الاختبار، يمكن للمستخدمين الحصول على شهادة مهارات Microsoft Excel المعترف بها على LinkedIn، والتي يمكنهم عرضها على ملفاتهم الشخصية وتوظيفها لجذب انتباه أصحاب العمل والمساهمة في تطور مسارهم المهني.
- Right-click column C, select Format Cells, and then select Best-Fit.
- Right-click column C and select Best-Fit.
- Double-click column C.
- Double-click the vertical boundary between columns C and D.✔️
- Jan, Jan, Jan
- Feb, Mar, blank cell
- Feb, Mar, Apr✔️
- the death of chivalry
- The death of Chivalry
- The Death Of Chivalry✔️
- Sort by the data in Column E.
- Format the data in Column D.
- Sort by the data in Column D.✔️
- Format the data in Column E.
- Alt+F4 (Windows) or Option+F4 (Mac)
- Alt+Shift+4 (Windows) or Option+Shift+4 (Mac)
- Ctrl+Shift+4 (Windows) or Command+Shift+4 (Mac)
- the F4 (Windows) or Command+T (Mac)✔️
- Add an image of the chart to a comment.
- Add a hyperlink to another worksheet that displays a chart when clicked.
- Add an image of the chart to the worksheet.
- Add a sparkline, a graphic that summarizes data visually within a single worksheet cell.✔️
- Right-click anywhere and select Help.
- Press F1 or click the Help tab in the ribbon.✔️
- Press F10.
- all of these answers.
- ##,###,,
- ###.0,,✔️
- 999.9,,
- ###,###.0,
- three inputs
- four inputs
- two inputs
- one input✔️
- Show in Tabular Form
- Show in Compact Form
- Show in Compact For or Show in Outline Form
- Show in Tabular Form or Show in Outline Form✔️
- Use the ROUND() function.
- Click the Decrease Decimal button twice.✔️
- In the cells group on the Home tab, click Format > Format Cells. Then click the Alignment tab and select Right Indent.
- Click the Decrease Decimal button once.
- =A3+A4+A5+A6
- =SUM(A3:A6)
- =SUM(A3,A6)✔️
- =SUM(A3,A4,A5,A6)
- Sparklines
- Wrap Text✔️
- Fill Handle
- Centered Alignment
- pie chart
- line chart✔️
- XY scatter chart
- bar chart
- The AutoSum formulas refer to the column to the left of their cells.
- The AutoSum formulas exclude the bottom row of data.
- The AutoSum formulas include the year at the top of each column in the calculation.✔️
- The AutoSum formulas include their own cells, creating a circular reference.
- The second character in the cell is 9.✔️
- The number 9 appears one or more times within the cell.
- The cell is comprised of 9 characters.
- The number 9 appears once and only once within the cell.
- Align Middle
- Distribute Horizontally
- Distribute Vertically✔️
- Align Center
- a 3D model
- SmartArt✔️
- a Treemap chart
- a drawing object
- Protect Worksheet
- Conditional Formatting
- Allow Users to Edit Ranges
- Data Validation✔️
- =MAX(H2:H30)✔️
- =MAXIMUM(H2:H30)
- =LARGE(H2:H30,29)
- =UPPER(H2:H30,1)
- XY chart
- clustered column
- bubble chart
- combo chart✔️
- Hides or shows the formula bar.
- Selects all.✔️
- Hides or shows the ribbon.
- Selects objects.
- =MySheet!A1✔️
- =MySheet_A1
- =MySheet&A1
- =MySheet@A1
- B
- C
- A✔️
- D
- =COUNT(B4:E4&G4:I4)
- =COUNT(B4:E4,G4:I4)
- =COUNT(B4:E4 G4:I4)
- =COUNT(B4:I4)✔️
- In the Format group, select Trendline from the Insert Shapes list.
- Click outside the plot area and select Add Trendline
- Click inside the plot and select Forecast.
- Right-click a data series and select Add Trendline.✔️
- Goal Seek✔️
- Power Pivot
- Data Analysis
- Solver
- Protect Workbook
- Watch Window
- Data Validation✔️
- Filter
- Format the data in column E.
- Format the data in column D.
- Sort the data in column D.✔️
- Sort the data in column E.
- mode
- modulus
- average
- median✔️
- Cell style
- Fill color
- Pattern style
- Font color✔️
- :
- =✔️
- (
- _
- =$A1*B3
- =$A$1*B3✔️
- =A1*$B3
- =A1*B3
- a series of consecutive days following the initial date✔️
- a series of days exactly one month apart
- a series of days identical to the initial date
- a series of days exactly one year apart
- 4
- 1
- 5
- 3✔️
- OR(B3=>15,B3<=20)
- AND (B3>=15,B3<=20)✔️
- OR(B3>15,B3<20)
- AND(B3>15, B3<20)
- Fill color
- Font Color✔️
- Pattern Style
- Cell Style
- Move Chart
- Switch Row/Column
- Quick Layout
- Change Chart Type✔️
- Value Formatting
- Cell Style Formatting
- Conditional Formatting✔️
- Tabular format
- It adds data from cell D18 of Sheet1 and cell D18 of Sheet4
- It adds data from cell A1 of Sheet1 and cell D18 of sheet4
- It adds all data in the range A1:D18 in Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4
- It adds data from all D18 cells in Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4✔️
- function
- argument
- formula✔️
- contents
- In a worksheet cell, array formulas have a small blue triangle in the cell’s upper-right corner.
- A heavy border appears around the range that is occupied by the array formula.
- In the formula bar, an array formula appears surrounded by curly brackets.✔️
- When a cell that contains an array formula is selected, range finders appear on the worksheet around the formula’s precedent cells.
- Concatenation✔️
- Columns to Text
- Flash Fill
- AutoFill
- =’Budget Variances’!A10✔️
- =’Budget Variances!A10′
- ="BudgetVariances!A10"
- ="BudgetVariances"!A10
- =FIND(A1,1,5)
- =SEARCH(A1,5)
- =LEFT(A1,5)✔️
- =A1-RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-5)
- =ISTEXT(A1)✔️
- =UPPER(H2:30,1)
- =MAXIMUM(H2:H30)
- =MAX(H2:H30)✔️
- =LARGE(H2:H30,29)
- Cut and Fill
- Cut and Paste✔️
- Copy and Transpose
- Copy and Paste
- Add a new PivotTable field.
- Add a calculated item
- Add a new Summarize Value By field.
- Add a calculated field.✔️
- =A1*$B3
- =A1*B3
- =$A$1*B3✔️
- =$A1*B3
- 6652
- 43740.665218
- 43740
- 665218✔️
- Both values are lost.
- Cell A2 contains the value 8 and cell B2 is empty.✔️
- Cell A2 contains the value 8 and cell B2 contains the value 9.
- Cell A2 contains the value 17 and cell B2 is empty.
- column D
- columns D through H
- column H
- column F✔️
- cell values only✔️
- cell values and formats
- cell values and formulas
- cell value, formats, and formulas
- =SUMIF(G2:G6,">17",F2:F6)
- =SUM(G2:G6,">=18,F2:F6)
- =SUMIF(F2:F6,">=18",G2:G6)✔️
- =SUM(F2:F6,"18+",G2:G6)
- =RIGHT(E2,LEN(E2)-27)✔️
- =LEN(E2,MID(E2)-27)
- =LEFT(E2,LEN(E2)-27)
- =RIGHT(E2,MID(E2)-27)
- the Inventory worksheet in the Colors workbook
- the Inventory column in the Colors table✔️
- the Colors worksheet in the Inventory workbook
- the named range Colors[Inventory], which does not use Format as Table Feature
- =VLOOKUP(J2,A$2:C$7,1,FALSE)
- =VLOOKUP(J2,A$2:C$7,3,FALSE)✔️
- =SUM(15L:15Z)
- =SUM(C15:Y15)✔️
- =SUM(C11:C35)
- 4
- 5✔️
- 3
- 2
- Select Paste Special > Values.
- Select Paste Special > Transpose.✔️
- Use the TRANSPOSE` function
- Click Switch Rows & Columns
- =RIGHT(A1)-LEFT(A1)+1
- =LEN(A1)✔️
- =EXACT(A1)
- =CHARS(A1)
- =B$2*C$2
- =$C$2/$B$2
- =C2/B2
- =B2*C2✔️
- On the PivotTable itself, drag each Average field into the row fields area.
- Right-click a cel in the PivotTable and select PivotTable Options > Classic PivotTable layout.
- In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag Sum Values from the Columns section to a location below the field in the Rows section.✔️
- In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag each field from the Sum Values section to the Rows section.
- grouping✔️
- filtering
- hiding
- cut and paste
- =SUMIF($B$2:$M$2,"COLUMN($B$2:$M$2)<=COLUMN())")
- =SUM($B2:B2)✔️
- =SUM(OFFSET($A1,0,0,1,COLUMN()))
- =B2+B3
- 4
- 1
- 5
- 3✔️
- rows:event, donor / values: Sum of amount
- columns: event / row:donor / values: Sum of amount
- rows:donor, event / values: Sum of amount✔️
- filter: event / row:donor / values: Sum of amount
- The absolute/relative cell references in the formula are wrong
- Cell A6 is not actualy text its a formula that need to be copied and pasted as a value
- Column C in the lookup range is not sorted properly
- A trailing space probably exist in cell A6 or F7✔️
- deletes removes the entire column or row. Clear removes the content from the column or row
- deletes removes formulas, values and hyperlinks. clear removes formulas, values, hyperlinks, formats, comments and notes✔️
- Delete removes the cell itself, shifting cells either up or to the left. Clear removes content and properties but does not muves cells
- Delete removes formulas and values. clear removes formulas, values, hyperlinks, formats, comments and notes
- cell✔️
- selection
- element
- scalar
- Use weight as a filter field as well as a row field in the PivotTable.
- Use IF() to show weight by categories instead of by pounds.
- Click the Row Labels arrow and select Group.
- Right-click any row field value in the PivotTable and select Group.✔️
- Select the cell into which you want to drill down, right-click, and select Show Summary.
- Select the cell into which you want to drill down, right-click and select Drill-down.
- Select the cell into which you want to drill down and double-click.✔️
- Select the cell into which you want to drill down, right-click and select Show Details > Summary Page
- 0
- 1
- Right-click D2 and select Fill Down.
- Click D2’s fill handle and drag it down to D501.
- On the ribbon’s Data tab, select Flash fill.
- Double-click D2’s fill handle.✔️
- =(A5+B5)B7✔️
- =A3-7(B3:B5+4)
- =(A5+B5)B7
- =B3^[2*/3]
- Select column G, then right-click and select Unhide.
- Select column C, then right-click and select Unhide.
- On the Page Layout tab, in the Rows and Columns section, select Unhide.
- Click and drag to select columns C and G, then right-click and select Unhide.✔️
- Check Accessibility✔️
- Check Compatibility
- Protect Document
- Inspect Document
- Select the image and, on the Picture Tools Format tab, use the Compress Picture feature.
- Select the image and, on the Design tab, use the Format Background feature.
- On the Drawing Tools Format tab, select Graphics Fill > Remove Background.
- Select the image and, on the Picture Tools Format tab, click the Remove Background button.✔️
- Create an outline in the outline view and rearrange slides.
- Add a table of contents slide and link the remaining slides to it.
- Add sections and move the slides into the appropriate sections.✔️
- Create custom shows and add the slides into the shows.
- 43✔️
- 12
- 7
- Select the cell. On the Home tab, click Clear.
- Select the cell and press Delete.
- Right-click the cell and select Delete.
- Select the cell. On the Home tab, click Clear > Clear All.✔️
- the Inventory worksheet in the Colors workbook.
- the named range Colors[Inventory], which does not use the Format as Table feature.
- the Inventory column in the Colors table.✔️
- the Colors worksheet in the Inventory workbook.
- An Excel file is a workbook. A workbook contains one or more worksheets.✔️
- Nothing-these two terms mean the same thing.
- A workbook contains only data. A worksheet contains both data and formulas.
- An Excel file is a worksheet. A worksheet contains one or more workbooks.
- You cannot use one slicer for two PivotTables.
- Right-click the slicer and select Slicer Settings.
- Merge the two PivotTables, right-click the merged PivotTable, and select Combine Slicer.
- Right-click the slicer and select Report Connections, or click Report Connections on the Slicer tab.✔️
- =B7$G$3✔️
- =(B7)*G3
- =B7*$[G3]
- =B7$*G3
- AutoSum shows the total in the bottom-right of the page
- AutoSum will total the numbers in cells B4:G8
- AutoSum will total the numbers in cells B4:G4✔️
- AutoSum will return a #VALUE! error.
- Total Sales This Year; Total Sales This Year
- Total Sales This Year; Market Region
- Representative ID Number; Total Sales This Year
- Market Region; Total Sales This Year✔️
- =SELECT(A1, "Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango")
- =CHOOSE(A1, "Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango")✔️
- =CHOOSE(A1,"Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango")✔️
- =MATCH(A1,{"Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango"})
- average number of minutes per call
- average annual sales per minute
- average number sales
- average annual sales per call✔️
- On the Home tab, click Find & Select > Find > Options (Windows) or Find & Select > Find (Mac). Change the Within drop-down to Workbook.✔️
- On the Home tab, click Find & Select > Find > Options (Windows) or Find & Select > Find (Mac). Change the Look in drop-down to Workbook.
- On the Home tab, click Find & Select > Find > Options (Windows) or Find & Select > Find (Mac). Change the Search drop-down to All.
- You cannot search an entire workbook – you must search the worksheets individually.
- map chart
- color scales (within conditional formatting)✔️
- manual highlighting
- data bars (within conditional formatting)
- Text control > Merge cells✔️
- Horizontal > Center across selection
- Vertical > Center across selection
- Data tab > Text to columns
- The dates are erroneous, such as October 39, 2015.
- The columns aren’t wide enough to show the full date.✔️
- The time are incorrectly formatted as dates.
- The text is incorrectly formatted as dates.
- Use Print Titles on the Page Layout tab.✔️
- Use Page Setup from the Backstage View.
- Use Freeze Panes on the View tab.
- Format your data as a table; the header prints automatically.
- Too Many Tardy Days
- #NUM!
- No Tardiness Issue✔️
- #REF!
- Conditional Formatting✔️
- Format
- Cell Styles
- Fill
- Cells A2:D2 are comments relating to the formula in cell C4.
- Cells A2:D2 are the source of an error in the formula in cell C4.
- Cells A2:D2 are precedents of the formula in cell C4.✔️
- Cells A2:D2 are dependents of the formula in cell C4.
- data table
- data numbers
- data labels✔️
- data values
- radar chart
- box and whisker chart
- XY scatter chart✔️
- combo chart
- Distribute Horizontally✔️
- Align Center
- Distribute Vertically
- Align Middle
- macro-enabled workbook✔️
- XML-standard workbook
- Excel 2003 workbook
- workbook where macros are not allowed
- This is not possible-you can remove only all formatting from a cell.
- Select the cell. On the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Selected Cells.✔️
- Right-click the cell and select Delete Conditional Formatting.
- Right-click the cell and select Remove Conditional Formatting.
- The formula display a warning but the actual cell address is substituted for the deleted name.
- The formula becomes invalid and displays a #NAME? error.✔️
- The actual cell addresses replace the original range name in the formula.
- The formula becomes invalid and displays a #N/A error
- list✔️
- custom
- database
- reference
- Close the workbook without saving and reopen it.
- Turn off conditional formatting.
- On the Home tab of the ribbon, select Fit to Column.✔️
- Expand the width of its column.
- a blank cell
- #REF!✔️
- 0
- On the Home tab, click Go To > Special > Column differences.✔️
- On the Formulas tab, click Trace precedents.
- On the Formulas tab, click Trace errors.
- On the Formulas tab, click show formulas
- Right-click the cell and select Center (Windows) or Center Text (Mac).
- Select the cell and, on the View tab in the Cells section, click Alignment and select Center (Windows) or Center Text (Mac).
- Select the cell and, on the Home tab in the Alignment section, click Center (Windows) or Center Text (Mac).✔️
- Change the width of the cell until the text is centered.
- Click the Decrease Decimal button once.
- Click the Decrease Decimal button twice.✔️
- Use the ROUND() function.
- In the Cells group on the Home tab, click Format > Format Cells. Then click the Alignment tab and select Right Indent.
- The word "Perez" appears and immediately the active cell moves down.
- The word "Perez" appears and the active cell remains in Edit mode.✔️
- A pop-up list appears with the previous four names.
- The letter "P" appears.
- Insert Column
- Paste Special
- Insert✔️
- Insert Column Left
- Filter the relevant column, right-click the column head, and select Remove Duplicates.
- This is possible only with Power Query.
- With the data selected, on the Data tab click Remove Duplicates.✔️
- This is possible only using formulas.
- On the Home tab, click Unhide.
- On the Review tab, click Unhide Sheet.
- On the View tab, click New Window.
- Right-click on any worksheet tab and select Unhide✔️
- Sentence
- Upper
- Titlecase
- Proper✔️
- Use reference tabs to create a drop-down list
- Use a PivotTable slicer to create a drop-down list
- Insert a table in the data to create a drop-down list
- Use data validation to create a drop-down list✔️
- =B1*$B$4
- =$B1*B4
- =B1*B4
- =$B$1*B4✔️
- The cells are selected/highlighted
- Excel’s options have been changed
- Certain rows in the data set are hidden
- A filter is applied✔️
- data validation
- conditional formatting
- advanced sort
- filters✔️
- =CLEAN(TRIM(A2))✔️
- =TRIM(A2)
- =C4D4$B$1✔️
- =(C4*D4)*B1
- =C4D4B1
- =C4*D4(*B1)
- Press F2.
- Select the cell and then click in the formula bar.
- Double-click the cell
- Right-click the cell and select Edit✔️
- It adds data form all D18 cells in Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4✔️
- It adds data from cell D18 of Sheet1 and cell D18 of Sheet4
- It adds alla data in the range A1:D18 in Sheet1,Shee2, Shee3, and Sheet4
- It adds data from cell A1 of Sheet1 and cell D18 of Sheet4
- On the Table Design tab (Windows) or Table tab (Mac), rename the table in the Table Name box.✔️
- Copy the table to another worksheet and rename it Quarters.
- Right click in the table and select Rename.
- On the Table Design tab (Windows) or Table tab (Mac), click Name Manager.
- password protection
- presentation
- layout
- accessibility✔️
- Charts
- 3D Models
- Shapes
- SmartArt✔️
- line chart
- scatter chart
- pie chart
- map chart✔️
- Right-click the column head and select Unique
- On the Home ribbon, click Clear > Duplicates
- On the Data ribbon, click Remove Duplicates✔️
- On the Data ribbon, click Data Validation
- On the View tab, select Visible cells only, Paste into the destination worksheet
- On the Home tab, clear the Hidden cells check box. Paste into the destination worksheet
- Copy the cells. Then in the destination worksheet, click Paste special > Paste only visible cells
- On the Home tab, click Find & Select > Go to special > Visible cells only. Paste into the destination worksheet✔️
- Power Query✔️
- Data Analysis
- Power Pivot
- Data Modeler
- Project Worksheet
- Data validation✔️
- Conditional Formatting
- Allow Users to Edit Ranges
- The cell referenced in the error message has been deleted✔️
- A nonnumeric agument is used in a function when a numeric value is expected
- A required operator is omitted in a formula
- The formula contains an undefined range
- AutoFormat
- conditional formatting
- Format as Table✔️
- PivotTable
- Flash Fill
- Conditional Formatting✔️
- Format as Table
- Theme Colors
- =SUBTOTAL(9, C2:C4)✔️
- =C2+C3+C4
- =SUM(C2:C4)
- =TRIM(A2,2)
- =LEFT(A2,2)
- =RIGHT(A2,2)✔️
- =MID(A2,2)
- Double-click between column headers E and F✔️
- Double-click between column headers F and G
- On the Home tab of the ribbon, select Fit to Column
- Drag to resize the column
- You cannot customize either.
- only the ribbon
- both the Quick Access Toolbar and the ribbon✔️
- only the Quick Access Toolbar
- On the Insert tab, click Pictures > This Device (Windows) or Pictures > Picture from file (Mac)✔️
- On the Insert tab, click SmartArt > Copy Image from Device (Windows) or SmartArt > Copy (Mac)
- On the Insert tab, click Illustrations > Insert Illustration from This Device
- On the Insert tab, click Icons > Insert > Picture from This Device
- There is not a feature in Excel that will do this.
- Data Limiting
- Data Parameters✔️
- Data Validation
- 13
- 15
- 11
- 7✔️
- 16000
- 1,048,576
- 16384✔️
- 1,048,000
- No Excel feature can accomplish this; this is possible only using formulas.
- Flash Fill✔️
- Merge cells
- Text to columns